Wednesday 24 November 2010

Content Driven Delivery

Can a sports car be used for an Ambulance? Sounds little impractical isn't it! For different purposes we need to use different vehicles.

Then why for different types of information, we often end up using the same delivery medium? Shouldn't the delivery medium change with the type, nature, purpose, and use of the information? Won't the information be more useful, if available in the right format? Isn't there a need to consciously classify the information and then use the best delivery medium for optimum use?

The 'Content Driven Delivery Model' allows you to classify information and then determine a delivery vehicle.
This model, classifies the information as follows:

  • Type of information can be conceptual, process, task, troubleshooting, or reference. 
  • Urgency of information also differs with the type. For instance, troubleshooting information is more urgent than concept information.
  • Updates to the information also depend on the the type of information. For instance, task information needs more updates than the concept information. 
  • Understanding of the information also varies with its type. Here by understanding, we refer to the way it would be easier for the reader to understand. One would prefer a graphical explanation of a process, then wordy steps. 
If you know the nature and characteristics of the information, you can easily decide what delivery vehicle is useful. For example, for conceptual information, a interactive and entertaining medium can be useful. Since we are explaining a concept, it is easier for the readers to understand if they can correlate the information as solution to their problem. Conceptual information has lesser updates after it is created, while needs more explanation and is less urgent. For such information, I would go for a gaming solution. Games help to simulate a real time problem and allows problem based learning.

Also, with different vehicles the tone of the content, the way it structured, and the way the information is constructed also changes. 
Delivery vehicles can be process diagrams, Google searchable topics, user generated content, and many more. Decide the best delivery medium based on the type of information.

Right delivery vehicle ensures optimum use of information!

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